Grant in Aid by Govt. of Maharastra (Jain Minority Institution)
Seth Sakharam Nemchand Jain Aushadhalaya Trust’s




Message from Desk

Leading the future of healthcare through excellence in medical education, research, and patient care.

Principal Desk

Dear Student,

Greetings from SGR Ayurved College, Solapur!

Seth Sakharam Nemchand Jain Aushadhalay trust is one of the oldest and renowned institutes in the field of Ayurved. Our institute comprises of Seth Sakharam Nemchand jain Ayurved Rugnalaya which is dedicated to serve the patients through Pure Ayuvedic and also integrated line of treatment, Seth Govindji Raoji Ayurved Mahavidyalaya which cultivates medical scholars and doctors. We also offer post-graduation and Ph.D courses at our institute. The third important part of our institute is Seth Sakharam Nemchand Jain Ayurved Rasashala (Pharmacy) where we scientifically and classically prepare more than 150 pure and potent ayurvedic medicines.

Name of Teacher: Dr. Veena Gajanan Jawale
Designation: Principal
Professor & HOD
Qualification : M.D.(Prasuti Tantra evam Streerog ) from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore
Teacher code number : AYUPS00745
Date of Birth : 21/04/1976
Address : 21/A/13, Budhawar Peth, Samart Chowk, Solapur 413001
Date of Joining : 19/04/2011
Registration Number : I-68339 -E
Office Phone Number : 0217-2324736
Contact number : 9028244410
Email ID : [email protected]
[email protected]
Total Teaching Experience: 17 Years 9 Months

It is one of the best, oldest and esteemed institutes in the field of Ayurved and this is the reason that our institute is chosen over the other by bright students.

It is my hope and dream that we can take our institution to unrivalled heights. Towards this aim, I seek your sincere support.

Vice-Principal Desk

Dear Student,

Greetings from SGR Ayurved College, Solapur!

Seth Sakharam Nemchand Jain Aushadhalay trust is one of the oldest and renowned institutes in the field of Ayurved. Our institute comprises of Seth Sakharam Nemchand jain Ayurved Rugnalaya which is dedicated to serve the patients through Pure Ayuvedic and also integrated line of treatment, Seth Govindji Raoji Ayurved Mahavidyalaya which cultivates medical scholars and doctors. We also offer post-graduation and Ph.D courses at our institute. The third important part of our institute is Seth Sakharam Nemchand Jain Ayurved Rasashala (Pharmacy) where we scientifically and classically prepare more than 150 pure and potent ayurvedic medicines.

It is one of the best, oldest and esteemed institutes in the field of Ayurved and this is the reason that our institute is chosen over the other by bright students.

It is my hope and dream that we can take our institution to unrivalled heights. Towards this aim, I seek your sincere support.

Name of Teacher: Dr. Shantinath
Subhashchandra Bagewadi
Designation: Vice-Principal
Associate Professor
Qualification : M.D.(Rasa Shastra ) from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences,
Teacher code number : AYRB01034
Date of Birth : 29/02/1976
Address : 21/A/13, Budhawar Peth,
Samart Chowk,
Solapur 413001
Date of Joining : 17/01/2009
Registration Number : I-61740-A1
Office Phone Number : 0217-2324736
Contact number : 9665673255
Email ID : shantinath.bagewadi@
Total Teaching Experience: 15 Years