Ph.D. Dissertation
Leading the future of healthcare through excellence in medical education, research, and patient care.
Research Work for Ph.D. (Kayachikitsa)
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Sr No | Nameof students | Title | Guide | Ongoing/
Completed |
Year |
1 | Dr Gauravkumar Vilaskant Shaha. | “An open label randomized clinical evaluation of
Kapitthadi kwatha and triphaladi kwatha in the management of Prameha with special referance to type 2 diabetes mellitus.” |
Vd Vivek Chandurkar | Ongoing | 2019-2020 |
2 | Dr Priyanka Shamrao Hanmane. | Randomised clinical trial to compare the efficacy Of erandadi kalka and yavaksharadi yoga in the management of Mutrashmari vyadhi with special referance to urolithiasis.” | Vd Vivek Chandurkar | Ongoing | 2019-2020 |
3 | Dr Tejasweeta Vivek Jog | Comparing the effect of Asanadi ghan vati versus amritadya guggul on weight reduction in Sthaulya (obesity); a randomized controlled trail | Vd Vivek Chandurkar | Ongoing | 2019-2020 |
4 | Vd. Japa Jayant Phadke | clinical study to evaluate efficacy of vishwamitra kapala malahara locally in Vicharchika.uijjm | Vd Vivek Chandurkar | Ongoing | 2019-2020 |
5 | Vd. Reena Mishra | Open Randomised clinical trail to evaluate the eficacy of lavangadi Churna and nisha amalaki in prameha (diabetes Mellitus type 2) | Vd Vivek Chandurkar | Ongoing |
6 | Vd. Narayan Jadhav | To study the Effect of Arjun-Jatamansyadi Churna in Essential Hypertension. | Vd Mukund More | Ongoing | 2017-2018 |